Corporate News

The latest information on our product and service enhancements, client wins and company moves.

“Asia Star Stands Firm on China Bias”

MPI’s returns-based style analysis (RBSA) is featured in Citywire.

Hedge Funds World Middle East

Hundreds of delegates visited the MPI exhibit booth at Hedge Funds World

CFA Institute’s Alternative Investments

MPI participated at the annual CFA Alternative Investments conference in NY, NY.

“Puzzle Me This”

The article in Markets Media provides an insider’s view of the history of MPI and returns-based style analysis. view full ::

MPI Announces Release of New Research Paper

– PRESS RELEASE – MPI’s paper entitled Madoff: A Tale of Two Funds demonstrates how advanced returns-based analysis techniques could have alerted investors to potential inconsi

“Con of the Century”

MPI’s analysis of the Madoff fraud is featured in the Economist

“In Fraud Case, Middlemen in Spotlight”

Michael Markov discusses the Madoff scandal in the New York Times