Corporate News

The latest information on our product and service enhancements, client wins and company moves.

Research Template

The new template contains two alternative one page reports using Blue Heron Consulting’s Strategy Performance Indices (SPI) in the Style Outline. The template may be used to examine the explanatory power of using investment strategies as well as style to describe and evaluate managers’ performance. Details are available for clients here.

Online Modular Training

Mpi Learning Program’s Regional Training Course

MPI Client Services is pleased to present its first regional training course offering as part of the expanding “MPI Learning Program”. Five domestic and one international location will be included in the initial roll-out phase of the program: Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, and London.

Thematic Online Training Program

As a precursor to MPI’s Regional Training Workshop series poised to begin in December, the MPI Client Services Team introduced a new learning program comprised of 11 thematic online training sessions. The sessions are modular in format and present users with a top level overview of specific areas of the application. The duration of each session is roughly 1-hour and will be hosted by a Client Servicing Professional. To view the expanded program, please click here.

Lipper Database

Lipper Analytical’s Variable Underlying Fund and Variable Subaccount Databases are now available for download and use within MPI Stylus. Included with 120 months of historical performance data are approximately forty qualitative fields to help support variable annuity research and reporting objectives. To inquire further, please contact John Lampe of Lipper Analytical at (303) 405-7403.

New Templates

A number of new database-specific templates are developed for use with MPI Stylus Pro. The templates are based on eVestment Alliance and Hedge Fund Research databases, and can be used as manager due diligence overview reports and product profile factsheets. Details are available for clients here.

MPI Client Seminar in NYC

MPI conducted a seminar in Manhattan at the Midtown Hilton on May 14th. Seminar agenda can be found here. MPI’s research and development efforts over the past several years in the areas of alternative investments and returns-based style analysis have proven quite timely. The dramatic rise in hedge funds and diminished manager transparency have escalated the need for more advanced research and risk management applications. In that spirit, the program format is designed as an educational workshop that illustrates how to successfully apply MPI’s technology using well-known hedge fund stories such as Long Term Capital, Soros Quantum Fund and others as case studies. Additionally, we will introduce our new Hedge Fund Engine, as well as our new asset allocation module for Stylus Pro, MPI Allocator.

MPI Allocator™ , an Asset Allocation tool from MPI

MPI Allocator, our asset allocation module and the newest addition to the MPI Stylus Pro Suite, is scheduled for beta release in early 3rd QTR 2004. Allocator applies the best of MPI’s analytics, visualization and reporting to the development and analysis of asset allocation policies. Its breakthrough design offers unlimited flexibility in conducting asset allocation studies and presenting their results in client-ready reports. The Allocator comes with a library of templates that include dozens of charts and tables and ready to use reports. Like all MPI products, we will continually update Allocator with new methodologies, forecasting models and features from which you can choose.

MPI Hedge Fund Engine™

MPI Hedge Fund Engine, which offers a new model of returns-based style analysis (RBSA), is scheduled for release in May 2004. The engine dramatically improves the analysis of very active and long/short products, hedge funds in particular. This patent-pending technology from MPI presents a major breakthrough in RBSA and the first significant advance in this area since it was developed by Sharpe in 1992, addressing all of the original methodology’s limitations. It delivers unparalleled precision in sensing portfolio dynamics, identifying breaks in exposure (e.g., manager or strategy changes) and protecting from spurious correlations and instability of results when analyzing hedge funds. Used to its fullest, it allows one to literally reverse-engineer alternative investment products, making it an invaluable tool for investment consultants and fund-of-funds managers. MPI has been at the forefront of returns-based style analysis (RBSA) research for the past 10 years and we will continue to deliver the best technology and methodologies to our clients.

MPI Stylus Pro™ version 5.1 is released

This release marks the 13th notable stage in the platform’s development. Specific enterprise features are highlighted in the accompanying Pilot 26 newsletter: excel database functionality, new macros, statistics, prospector filters, and more.