
MPI solutions and research are frequently featured in a number of financial and investment media outlets.

Brexit And Hedge Fund Strategies

Thursday, June 23, the UK voted to leave the European Union. The “leave” win defied the polls and the bookies. Unfortunately, in the days leading up to the vote, investors around the world seem to have placed a lot of credence in the polls and the betting odds, bidding up asset prices. Find out more on Seeking Alpha.

Fund managers have been running from Puerto Rico debt

“The majority of municipal bond mutual funds don’t show exposure to Puerto Rico debt,” Sean Ryan, a senior MPI research analyst, said in an interview. “It isn’t really a systemic issue, which is one thing that investors should always be worried about. In this case, only a few are exposed versus the entire category.” Follow the article on CNBC to discover more.

Article on Liquid Alts, Fiduciary Duty in Family Wealth Report

With a bylined article in international wealth management publication Family Wealth Report, MPI President Jeff Schwartz explains how utilization of quantitative analysis for the fast growing, hedge fund-like liquid alternatives segment can strengthen the advisor’s fiduciary duty, and how doing so will only become more important to clients and regulators alike.

Five Things You Need to Know About Smart Beta

Recognizing that there is little agreement amongst investors on how to classify, analyze, benchmark and place the growing universe of smart beta products and strategies into a portfolio setting and risk management framework, MPI provides readers of Russ Alan Prince’s “Serious Money” column five recommendations for those interested in the innovative segment. Explore more on Smart Beta on Forbes.

Successful go-anywhere bond funds kept bets in check – but was performance due to skill or luck?

InvestmentNews‘ asset management reporter Trevor Hunnicutt utilizes MPI’s research on nontraditional bond funds from Senior Analyst Sean Ryan and commentary from President Jeff Schwartz for an extensively reported article on “go-anywhere” bond funds. Hunnicutt writes “MPI argues that quantitative factor analyses of funds can say more about returns that simply looking at periodically produced lists of the securities that the funds hold.” Schwartz cautions “We don’t think a lot of people invested in these products know how to benchmark them.”

The hedgefundification of bond funds

In a Financial Times Smart Money column on the increasing sophistication and complexity in bond mutual funds, U.S. Investment Correspondent Stephen Foley refers to MPI Senior Analyst Sean Ryan’s research on unconstrained bond funds.

Nontraditional Bond Funds Aren’t All Bad

Barron’s Income Investing blogger and Current Yield columnist Amey Stone covers MPI Senior Analyst Sean Ryan’s research on nontraditional bond funds. Stone writes “investors who dig into the report will find a lot more detail on what the best and worst performing nontraditional bond funds were up to in the past two years.”

Mid-Week Reading

Liquid alts specialist digital outlet DailyAltsincludes MPI’s research on nontraditional bond funds in their mid-week reading roundup. Haskin writes “(MPI) take a deep dive into the drivers of return for the top and bottom funds in the category – this article is well worth your time to read.”

Friday Links: Thinner Ice

Premier financial blog and news aggregator Abnormal Returns includes Senior Analyst Sean Ryan’s “Down Commodities Benefits CTA Funds”. The piece analyzes the relationship between commodities markets and CTA funds and the reasons for the category’s recent leading performance amongst the hedge fund universe.