
MPI solutions and research are frequently featured in a number of financial and investment media outlets.

Lifting the lid on hedge fund risks

This article containing details on MPI and their innovative Dynamic Style Analysis (DSA) is published in The Financial Times, a UK’s international business newspaper.

Big DSA is watching you!

MPI and Dynamic Style Analysis (DSA) are feature in the July issue of Banque & Finance, the leading banking publication in Geneva, Switzerland. Learn more about DSA here.

A Strategy Aiming to Pump Returns Gains Clout but May Be ‘No Free Lunch’

An article in the Wall Street Journal features analysis and commentary by MPI CEO Michael Markov on the mutual fund 130/30 investment strategy.

When Long Means Loss

A look at potential loss issues with regard to long-only investing – includes analysis by MPI featured in an article by Lipper HedgeWorld.

Outlook 2006: A Challenging Comparison

Lipper HedgeWorld New York Bureau Chief Chidem Kurdas tests MPI’s ability to replicate hedge fund returns and detect “alternative beta”. See the full article here.

Hedge funds headed for a fall?

An article published by CNN features analysis and charts created with MPI Stylus, as well as some research results and commentary by MPI CEO Michael Markov.

Bayou Collapse Sends a Warning Signal

In this Investment News round-up of the recent Bayou hedge fund investigation, Michael Markov from MPI comments on warning signs that were apparent in the case.

Experts in Hedge Fund Due Diligence and Replication

“To folk who want to invest in hedge funds, as well as those who want to invest like hedge funds, Markov Processes has a lot to offer…” The Economist article “In the garden of good and evil” discusses MPI’s expertise in quantitative analysis and replication of hedge funds

Can Style Analysis Act as Early Warning System for Hedge Funds?

HedgeWorld New York Bureau Chief Chidem Kurdas reviews the application of Dynamic Style Analysis, an advanced version of returns-based style analysis developed by MPI, for greater transparency and better due diligence of hedge funds.