Markov Processes International

Representative Clients

MPI’s clients are industry leaders and innovators. Our powerful quantitative tools and technologies serve global banks and diversified financial services firms, institutional consulting organizations, asset management firms, hedge fund of funds managers, broker dealers, plan providers, institutional plans and more.

The financial professionals that employ MPI’s software applications come from many different areas of their respective organizations, such as investment research (managers and securities), risk management, performance measurement, consulting, product development, plan sponsors, marketing and sales (institutional, wholesalers and advisors).

With more than 200 client organizations worldwide, we are extremely proud of the relationships we have developed. The following list is a representative sample of our highly regarded clientele.


Amundi Asset ManagementBBVA GestiónCIGNA


CliffwaterConcourse Financial Group SecuritiesCommerce Bank


Commonwealth Financial Network •CUNA MutualDimensional Fund Advisors (“DFA”)


Diversified Trust CompanyFidelity InvestmentsFund Evaluation Group


GPIF JapanHighTowerLombard Odier •


Milliman •  Natixis NFP-Retirement Plan Advisory Group


Pictet Funds, S.A.Prudential • Raymond James


 Milliman • NatixisRVK


Saudi ARAMCO  SCS Capital ManagementSkyview Investment Advisors •


Transamerica Retirement Solutions • UBS • Utah Retirement System



among others.

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