Mutual Fund Analysis


Solving 2019 PIMCO Income Fund Puzzle

Since its launch in 2007, PIMCO Income Fund has become one of the top-performing US bond funds. However, in 2019 the fund has underperformed both the benchmark and most of its peers. Using this fund as an example, we will demonstrate how advanced returns-based analysis can be used to analyze complex fixed income products without delving into volumes of complex holdings.


Parsing the Dynamics of Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA) Funds

Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA) funds, which seek to take advantage of changing market conditions while maintaining a globally diversified portfolio, have suffered recent underperformance.  MPI was asked by Institutional Investor to look at some of the funds that have received the most interest from investors.


Standard Life GARS Fund: MPI’s Factor X-ray

Using Standard Life Global Absolute Return Fund (SLI GARS) weekly performance data, we show how sophisticated factor analysis can provide valuable insights into this fund’s complex global “go anywhere” investment strategy.