Pensions & Investments


State pension funds with more exposure to private markets to lag in 2023

“State pension funds with higher allocations to private markets will underperform their peers with greater exposures to global equities this year, according to a report from the MPI Transparency Lab issued Wednesday,” writes in her article Cheyenne Ligon.


The Haves vs. the Haves-Not as Much

“Since 2007, only half of Ivy League endowments added positive returns to their portfolios through manager and security selection,” writes Pensions & Investments’ Charles McGrath in his latest analysis of the Ivy League endowments’ investment performance, which features a chart from our 2017 Fiscal Year Ivy League endowment research report.


Ivy League endowment performance

Yale’s endowment ran away from its Ivy League peers during the 2016 fiscal year with a 3.4% total return, according to a report from Markov Process International. Princeton came in second place with an 0.8% return, the only other school with a positive return. Read more about the study on Pensions & Investments.


Researcher Says Opco Core Bond Fund Trouble Obvious

Michael Markov interviewed by Pensions & Investments: “There were plenty of red flags at Oppenheimer Core Bond that these states and other investors could have picked up on.” View MPI’s quantitative analysis of the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund here.