returns-based style analysis


On Fireworks and Smoke Screens

A WSJ article features a fund which outperformed all of the actively managed US stock mutual funds by a large margin. We found its twin ETF from WisdomTree that was spared the accolades. And we use advanced quant techniques to dissect the strategy and its winning bets.


Measuring The Ivy 2020: First Take

We take a quick look at Ivy schools’ endowments’ performance results both for the 2020 fiscal year and also long-term for 10-year periods.


Measuring the Ivy 2019: Decoding the Performance Gap

Fiscal year 2019 was a curious year for the Ivy League endowments. In a year with strong returns in key private market investment classes, the average Ivy underperformed a traditional domestic balanced 60-40 portfolio in FY 2019. Ivies also experienced a wider dispersion of returns and saw a shift in the historical positioning of performance leaders and laggards.